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Very attentive slayhil Sensual R&B crooner Usher made a bold move on Snapchat Thursday: He exposed about a millimeter (or so) of the tip of his penis. picture of your penis. Usher "inadvertently" showed his little guy on Snapchat Thursday posting a nude snap with a smiley face covering his. So you're saying Usher's dick made you choke? (Sorry couldn't resist). 8 yrs. 󱘫. Top fan. Geraint Saunders. Lays time I seen legs like Gusher's. Usher gave his Snapchat followers a tour of his home and his penis. Subscribe for more videos! Article. Usher is using dick pics to tell you how much he loves Samsung phones. "U remind me of Usher's penis" may not be the first thing that comes.

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