Sons Of The Forest Drying Rack

Sons of the Forest: How to Fix Drying Rack Not Working

Spend a romantic night with with sweet beeg porn How to Fix Drying Rack Not Working in Sons of the Forest. To fix your drying rack in Sons of the Forest and make it dry your meat quicker, you. Meat and fish doesn't stay on my drying racks long enough to even dry anymore. I'm guessing it is either being stolen by raccoons or eagles. If you're finding that your drying rack is not working in Sons of the Forest and not drying your meat quickly enough, there's, fortunately. The drying rack is a craftable item for preserving meat. The drying rack is one of the essential buildable items in the Forest. The drying rack is a great tool for preserving food that you can find inside the 'Storage' section of your survival guide. It takes nine sticks.


Sons of the Forest: How to Fix Drying Rack Not Working .

A tongue never gets old qld australia. With the Drying Rack finally set up you'll need to have some form of meat in your inventory which can be acquired by killing animals, such as. The drying rack can be found under the storage tab of craftable objects. Just select it and you should get an outlined version of it for you to. I have the same issue with meat not drying with long days/seasons enabled. I pretty much just use the racks as storage for meat until I cook it. How to Cure & Dry Meats in Sons of the Forest. To use your fancy new Drying Rack, simply walk over to it, look at one of the hooks, and press E. To build the Drying Rack, you'll need 13 sticks, which can be gathered from the surrounding environment. Once you have the sticks, simply walk.

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