Sloshball Rules

Sloshball: Drunken Kickball Fun | Golden Gate Park

Classy fun with style wwwxxnxn we will be playing Circle Rules at the next SLOSHBALL event in San Diego!! go to: for a facebook invite. 3v3 Basketball Rules · 5v5 Basketball Rules · Dodge Ball Rules · Flag Football · Indoor Volleyball · Sand Volleyball Rules · Ping Pong Rules · Sloshball Rules. May 6, - Rules for Sloshball Tournament- Kickball with Kegs: An overview of the game of sloshball. Includes rules, glossary and history. Sloshball is a popular American game combining softball and beer drinking. sloshball? Rules: | Facebook What are the rules of sloshball? Rules:

Team Slosh Ball.

"College Rules" Slosh Ball (TV Episode ) - IMDb SLOSHBALL featuring Circle Rules.

Mmmmm trop bon tous ce jus chaud festival part. For the uninitiated, Sloshball is basically kickball, with two important rule tweaks: 1. You most always have a beverage (alcoholic or non. Oh, and a full keg of beer. You'll also need a suitable softball field, the best of which, notes year Sloshball The rules of the game are. Chứng minh tài chính (Financial Proofing hay Demonstrate Financial Capability) trong hồ sơ xin visa có thể xem là một bằng chứng mà bạn cung cấp cho Đại sứ quán. Sloshball = drunken kickball. The rules are simple and athleticism is not required. If you can hold a beer and run at the same time. Some of my favorite rules: 1. Any player reaching 2nd base must finish the fine beverage waiting for them there before they are allowed to.

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