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Florida man wired $200,000 to Bulgarian 'cam girl' before killing family, deputies say

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Killer murdered family for making him end online relationship with webcam porn model.

Florida man wired $, to Bulgarian 'cam girl' before killing family, deputies say Grant Amato Murdered His Family for a Webcam Model He Never Met.

Mmm je te baise toi pink kitty. Liberec erotická seznamka na sex ona hledá jeho Chlumec Větřní podvádění HartenbergHřebeny, Sokolov, Loket, Horní Slavkov, Andělská Hora, Krásný Dvůr. Night after night, Grant Amato logged onto his family's computer to watch “Silvie,” a Bulgarian webcam model with whom he had become infatuated. Jurors in the Grant Amato case got their first glimpse Monday of Silvie, the mysterious webcam model at the center of the prosecution's case. Before the murders occurred, Amato had developed an infatuation with Bulgarian model and cam girl Silviya Ventsislavova (Bulgarian: Силвия Венциславова), who. Florida man wired $, to Bulgarian 'cam girl' before killing family, deputies say. Deputies: Grant Amato, 29, stole money from family to.

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